Cooking enthusiasts loyalty program
Get your free membership card now and enjoy the benefits!
It's like some sort of… magic! 3% of the value of each purchase is converted into loyalty points, which become discounts or possible free purchases on your next orders.
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You already possess a membership card. You can check your points by logging into your account.
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Register a new accountYour card will be generated automatically and you will be able to use it immediately.
Frequently asked questions
No, the points cannot be transferred to another user or exchanged for cash.
500 points = 1 euro.
Points are valid for 12 months from the date they are accumulated. Points accumulated and unused for more than 12 months will be automatically cancelled from any loyalty card from KitchenShop.
The accumulated points must be spent in full on a single purchase. If the value of the purchase is less than the value of the accumulated points, the difference in points can be used on a future purchase.
Loyalty card holders who make purchases online will still benefit from the free shipping of their order if the order value is equal to or higher than the limit set in the KitchenShop offer.
If you wish to return products that you have paid for in full or in part with loyalty points, you will automatically receive back the points spent on those products and, if applicable, you will receive the difference in the form of money.
The campaign rules can be read here