It is so simple to fill a half empty glass, especially when you have a big carafe filled with your favorite drink. Discover below a collection of carafes made of glass, ceramic or thermal insulating materials to serve lemonade, wine, tea or milk.
A unique and less known product from this category is the carafe with built-in cooler that keeps your drinks cold without diluting them (as happens in the case of ice cubes). Cocktails, ice-tea, lemonades, prosecco or other light and refreshing wines can be served in these ergonomic containers provided with handle and pouring edge.
The thermal insulated carafe has the extra advantage of keeping the temperature of the drink for several hours, regardless of whether it is hot or cold. Thermal insulating mugs are usually made of durable stainless steel and they are provided with handle and lid.
On the other hand, the glass carafe also has a lot of advantages: it is available in many shapes and design versions, has an affordable price, is suitable for any drink and it allows you to observe the color of wine or the drink served. All these features make this carafe, a best-seller among carafe models.