Trash can with sensor, semi-round, 45 L, stainless steel - simplehuman

Code: ST2009

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Price: €243.00
Product description

Semi-round trash can with sensor, capacity 45 L, simplehuman brand 

The exterior of the trash can is made of stainless steel with nano-silver coat that protects against fingerprints and germs.

The sensor gets triggered by the motion of your hand in front of the trash can, due to the infrared fields. The sensor includes 4 alkaline batteries, type AA. When not is use, the activation range of the sensor is limited to a small area above the lid, so it will open only when you reach this area with your hand. Once the lid has been opened, the operation range of the sensor expands, so that it does not close until you have finished what you have to do.

The trash can is noiseless, emitting only a low noise of 52 decibels, 50% less noise than other similar trash cans on the market.

The lid lifts for easier access to the trash bag, so there is no need to disassemble the trash can nor to make efforts for handling the inner container of the trash can. After you have thrown away the garbage, the lid closes slowly over the trash bag.

The trash has a storage space specially designed for storing trash bags.

For this product, we recommend the use of simplehuman - trash bags - code J, codes CW0169 and CW0259.

Dimensions: height: 64 cm or 90 cm (when the lid is open), length: 33 cm and width: 39 cm.

Code ST2009
Brand simplehuman
Category Trash cans
Range Trash cans - simplehuman
Capacity 45 L
Material Stainless steel
Warranty 5 years
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