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Cups and Mugs - R2S

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Set of 6 porcelain cups with saucers, 70 ml, "Modernism" - Nuova R2S

Code: 127MODN

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"Atmosphere Equatorial" set of 6 cups with saucers, 70 ml, porcelain - Nuova R2S

Code: 127EQUA

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Set of 6 cups with saucers, 70 ml, porcelain, "Kilimanjaro" - Nuova R2S

Code: 127KILI

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Set of 6 cups and saucers, porcelain, 70 ml, "Tropical Vibes" - Nuova R2S brand

Code: 127VIBE

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6-piece cup and saucer set, porcelain, 70ml, "Bauhaus" - Nuova R2S

Code: 127BAUH

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6-piece cup and saucer set, porcelain, 70ml, "Geometrical" - Nuova R2S

Code: 127LOOP

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Set of 4 porcelain mugs, 275 ml, "Gnomes at work" - Nuova R2S

Code: 1039GNAT

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350 ml "Okinawa" cup with lid and infuser, porcelain - Nuova R2S

Code: 105OKIN

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350 ml "Paisley Abundance" cup with lid and infuser, porcelain - Nuova R2S

Code: 105ABUN

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Porcelain mug with lid and metal infuser, 350 ml, "Wild Tropical" - Nuova R2S

Code: 105WILD

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350 ml "Retro Jungle" mug with lid and infuser, porcelain - Nuova R2S

Code: 105RETR

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Porcelain mug, 350ml, with lid and infuser, "Atmosphere Equatorial" - Nuova R2S

Code: 105EQUA

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"Tropical Vibes" 350 ml porcelain cup with lid and infuser - Nuova R2S

Code: 105VIBE

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Mug with lid and infuser, 350 ml, "SANTA IS COMING" - Nuova R2S brand

Code: 105SANC

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Porcelain mug, 350 ml, with lid and infuser, Kilimanjaro - Nuova R2S

Code: 105KILI

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Mug with infuser and lid, porcelain, 350 ml, "Meadow Flowers" - Nuova R2S

Code: 105MFLO

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Porcelain mug, 350 ml, with lid and infuser, "Siracusa" - Nuova R2S

Code: 105SIRA

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Porcelain tea cup and saucer, 200 ml, "Spring Time" collection - Nuova R2S

Code: 1282SPRI

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Set of 2 porcelain mugs, 350 ml, "GINGERBREAD" - Nuova R2S brand

Code: 213GING

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Mug with lid and infuser, 300 ml, "Magic Christmas" - Nuova R2S

Code: 280MAGI

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250 ml porcelain cup with saucer, "VINTAGE NUTCRACKER" - Nuova R2S

Code: 1012VNUT

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Porcelain mug with lid and metal infuser, 300 ml, "GINGERBREAD" - Nuova R2S

Code: 280GING

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Set of 2 mugs, porcelain, 300 ml, "Botanique Chic" - Nuova R2S

Code: 178BOCH

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Set of 2 mugs, porcelain, 300 ml, "Meadow Flowers" - Nuova R2S

Code: 178MFLO

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Set of 2 porcelain mugs, 300 ml, "Siracusa" - Nuova R2S

Code: 178SIRA

In stock. Delivery in 2-5 days.

350ml "Amstaff" porcelain cup - Nuova R2S

Code: 217DOGC

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Set of coffee cup and saucer, 175 ml, porcelain, "CHRISTMAS ORNAMENTS" - Nuova R2S

Code: 1321CHOR

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Porcelain mug, 350 ml, "GINGERBREAD" - Nuova R2S brand

Code: 217GING

In stock. Delivery in 2-5 days.

350 ml porcelain cup, "READY FOR CHRISTMAS" collection - Nuova R2S

Code: 217READ

In stock. Delivery in 2-5 days.

Tea cup with saucer, 175 ml, porcelain, "CHRISTMAS LIGHTS" - Nuova R2S

Code: 1321CHLI

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Porcelain mug, 350 ml, "CHRISTMAS FRIENDS CATS" - Nuova R2S brand

Code: 217CHFC

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Porcelain mug, 350 ml, "CHRISTMAS FRIENDS DOGS" - Nuova R2S brand

Code: 217CHFD

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Porcelain mug, 350 ml, "JOYFUL SANTA" - Nuova R2S brand

Code: 217JOYF

In stock. Delivery in 2-5 days.

Porcelain mug, 350 ml, "SANTA IS COMING" - Nuova R2S brand

Code: 217SANC

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Porcelain mug, 350 ml, "Fancy Gingerbread" - Nuova R2S

Code: 217FANG

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Mug, porcelain, 350 ml, "Barista" - Nuova R2S

Code: 217BRST

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Tea cup with saucer, "Magic Christmas", 200 ml, Red - Nuova R2S

Code: 1036MAGI

In stock. Delivery in 2-5 days.

Set of 2 porcelain mugs, 300 ml, "Spring Time" collection - Nuova R2S

Code: 1281SPRI

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Porcelain cup with saucer, 250 ml, "CHRISTMAS MEMORIES" - Nuova R2S

Code: 1236CHME

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Porcelain mug, 350 ml, <<CHRISTMAS MEMORIES>> - Nuova R2S brand

Code: 119CHME

In stock. Delivery in 2-5 days.

Porcelain mug, 350 ml, "Christmas Cats" - Nuova R2S brand

Code: 119XCAT

In stock. Delivery in 2-5 days.

Porcelain mug, 350 ml, "Christmas Dogs" - Nuova R2S brand

Code: 119XDOG

In stock. Delivery in 2-5 days.

Porcelain mug, 350 ml, "JINGLE BELLS" - Nuova R2S

Code: 119JING

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Set of 2 mugs, porcelain, 350 ml, "Fancy Gingerbread" - Nuova R2S

Code: 283FANG

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"Essential" tea cup with saucer, 225 ml, Grey - Nuova R2S

Code: 2104ESDG

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Teacup with saucer, porcelain, 400 ml, "GINGERBREAD" - Nuova R2S brand

Code: 1454GING

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600 ml porcelain cup, "READY FOR CHRISTMAS" collection - Nuova R2S

Code: 1462READ

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Porcelain cup and saucer, 400 ml, "READY FOR CHRISTMAS" collection - Nuova R2S

Code: 1454READ

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Set of 2 porcelain mugs, 120 ml, "CHRISTMAS MEMORIES" - Nuova R2S brand

Code: 1237CHME

In stock. Delivery in 2-5 days.

Porcelain mug, 600 ml, "GINGERBREAD" - Nuova R2S brand

Code: 1462GING

In stock. Delivery in 2-5 days.

Mug with saucer, porcelain, 400 ml, "Fancy Gingerbread" - Nuova R2S

Code: 1454FANG

In stock. Delivery in 2-5 days.

Set of 4 teacups with saucers, porcelain, 100 ml, "Festive TREES" - Nuova R2S

Code: 1475FTRE

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6-piece cup and saucer set, porcelain, 100ml, "Shapes" - Nuova R2S

Code: 126SHAP

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4-piece porcelain cup set, with wooden saucers, 110ml, "Take a Break" - Nuova R2S

Code: 1642TBR5

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Coffee cup with saucer, porcelain, 240 ml, "Barista" - Nuova R2S

Code: 133BRST

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Set of 6 coffee cups with saucers, porcelain, 100 ml, "Siracusa" - Nuova R2S

Code: 126SIRA

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Set of 2 coffee cups with saucers, 80 ml, porcelain, "CHRISTMAS LIGHTS" - Nuova R2S

Code: 1322CHLI

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Tea serving set, two in one, for 1 person - Nuova R2S

Code: 327NATU

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Porcelain mug, 370 ml, "CHRISTMAS LIGHTS" - Nuova R2S

Code: 1320CHLI

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Porcelain mug, 370 ml, <<CHRISTMAS ORNAMENTS>> - Nuova R2S brand

Code: 1320CHOR

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Set of 4 porcelain "Pop Art" mugs, 300 ml - Nuova R2S

Code: 179POPT

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Mug with lid and infuser, 370 ml, "CHRISTMAS FRIENDS" - Nuova R2S brand

Code: 1345CRFR

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Set of 4 coffee cups, porcelain, 100 ml, "SANTA IS COMING" - Nuova R2S brand

Code: 1952SANC

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Porcelain mug, 350 ml, Drops Celadon - Nuova R2S

Code: 2764DROC

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Set of 4 coffee cups, porcelain, 100 ml, "JINGLE BELLS" - Nuova R2S

Code: 176JING

In stock. Delivery in 2-5 days.

Porcelain mug, 300 ml, "Festive TREES" - Nuova R2S

Code: 1477FTRE

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Porcelain mug, 370 ml, "Nostalgic Christmas" - Nuova R2S

Code: 2780NOCH

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Porcelain mug with saucer, 300 ml, "Nostalgic Christmas" - Nuova R2S

Code: 2789NOCH

In stock. Delivery in 2-5 days.

Set of 2 teacups with saucers, porcelain, 110 ml, "Nostalgic Christmas" - Nuova R2S

Code: 2782NOCH

In stock. Delivery in 2-5 days.

Set of 2 mugs and tea box, porcelain, "JINGLE BELLS" - Nuova R2S

Code: 1497JING

In stock. Delivery in 2-5 days.

Set of 2 teacups with saucers, porcelain, 100 ml, "Fancy Gingerbread" - Nuova R2S

Code: 211FANG

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Set of teapot and 2 mugs, porcelain, "Fancy Gingerbread" - Nuova R2S

Code: 1346FANG

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Set of 4 porcelain mugs, 160 ml, "PAGODA" - Nuova R2S

Code: 1090PAGD

In stock. Delivery in 2-5 days.

2-piece cup and saucer set, porcelain, 240ml, "Shapes" - Nuova R2S

Code: 132SHAP

In stock. Delivery in 2-5 days.

Set of 4 porcelain mugs, 300ml, "Atmosphere Equatorial" - Nuova R2S

Code: 179EQUA

In stock. Delivery in 2-5 days.

Mug with spoon, porcelain, with cork coaster, 350 ml, 'Barista' - Nuova R2S

Code: 1045BRST

In stock. Delivery in 2-5 days.

Set of 4 coffee cups, porcelain, 100 ml, "Barista" - Nuova R2S

Code: 1952BRST

In stock. Delivery in 2-5 days.

Mug, porcelain, 375 ml, blue, "Nuances" - Nuova R2S

Code: 2843NBLU

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Mug, porcelain, 375 ml, green, "Nuances" - Nuova R2S

Code: 2843NGRE

In stock. Delivery in 2-5 days.

Coffee cup with saucer, porcelain, 120 ml, blue, "Nuances" - Nuova R2S

Code: 2844NBLU

In stock. Delivery in 2-5 days.

Coffee cup with saucer, porcelain, 120 ml, green, "Nuances" - Nuova R2S

Code: 2844NGRE

In stock. Delivery in 2-5 days.

Set of 2 cups with saucers, porcelain, 240 ml, "Siracusa" - Nuova R2S

Code: 132SIRA

In stock. Delivery in 2-5 days.

Set of 2 mugs, porcelain, 275 ml, "Country Life" - Nuova R2S

Code: 1172CLIF

In stock. Delivery in 2-5 days.

Set of 2 coffee cups with saucers, porcelain, 80 ml, "Country Life" - Nuova R2S

Code: 1175CLIF

In stock. Delivery in 2-5 days.

Set of 4 "Shapes" mugs, porcelain, 300 ml - Nuova R2S

Code: 179SHAP

In stock. Delivery in 2-5 days.

Set of 2 cups with saucers, porcelain, 240 ml, "Modernism" - Nuova R2S

Code: 132MODN

In stock. Delivery in 2-5 days.

Mug, porcelain, 300 ml, "Christmas Folk" - Nuova R2S

Code: 1477CHFO

In stock. Delivery in 2-5 days.

Porcelain mug, 275ml, "Christmas Eve" - ​​Nuova R2S

Code: 1101CEVE

In stock. Delivery in 2-5 days.